
About us

We are a personnel and consultancy agency established in 2006 by experts who have been working in Recruitment and Executive search for over ten years.

In a relatively short time of our existence we have reached a significant position in the area of selection of experts and management.

We offer our experience in the segments of car industry, finance and banking, information technologies, telecommunication, marketing, trade and production.

We are aware of the fact that our clients´ success is based on human capital and therefore we put emphasis on quality at each stage of the selection procedure.

We offer to our clients a professional and highly individual approach based on long-term experience of our members of staff, the accent on their continuous personal development and up-to-date knowledge of trends on the market.

We always adapt the candidate selection to the environment and specific needs of our clients. We thoroughly examine personal and professional qualification of the candidates, their motivation and personal references.

Every commission for executive search – direct search of candidates is performed by a specific team with relevant know-how in the given area, which carries out an independent search and selection of suitable candidates.

Aktuální pozice


13. 1. 2017 - Od 1.1.2017 došlo ke zvýšení minimální mzdy na 11.000 Kč.
13. 1. 2017 - ŽIVOTOPIS - MÉNĚ JE VÍCE Jak napsat životopis, aby obsahoval správné množství informací: 1. Nezačínejte životopis sekcí s názvem „Kariérní cíl“ 2. Nepoužívejte otřepaná klišé 3. Pozor na překlepy a gramatické chyby 4. Neuvádějte zbytečně mnoho kontaktů 5. Vyhněte se potenciální diskriminaci 6. Vynechte data v sekci „Vzdělání“ 7. Vynechte nerelevantní pracovní zkušenosti 8. Neuvádějte sekci „IT dovednosti“, pokud ovládáte jen ty základní 9. Nepište nic o referencích, pokud nebyly předem požadovány 10. Pozor na příliš dlouhý životopis (zdroj:http://www.hrnews.cz/lidske-zdroje/personalni-marketing-id-148675/zivotopis-mene-je-vice-id-2404117)